General terms and conditions of business

A. Scope

(1) These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) apply to contracts for the exhibition of a stand at the Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2025.

(2) The exhibitor’s contractual partner is BVMW Servicegesellschaft mbH (hereinafter: BVMW GmbH), which is also the user of the General Terms and Conditions.

(3) Both contracting parties, BVMW-GmbH and the exhibitor, are entrepreneurs within the meaning of Section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB).

(4) If agreements other than those contained in these General Terms and Conditions are made in writing, the written agreements take precedence. There are no verbal agreements. Any conflicting General Terms and Conditions of the exhibitor do not apply in the event of a conflict in content with these General Terms and Conditions.

(5) The venue is STATION Berlin. The event date is April 9, 2025.

B. Provisions

(1) The venue and date of the event are the basis of the transaction. There is no right of cancellation.

(2) The exhibitor is required to inform BVMW-GmbH of any potential sources of danger he or she notices on the day of the event.

(3) The exhibitor undertakes not to cause any damage to buildings belonging to Station Berlin Event GmbH. In the event of a breach of this obligation, the exhibitor shall indemnify BVMW against any claims against Station Berlin Event GmbH.

(4) The exhibitor undertakes to comply with the traffic safety obligations of an exhibitor. If a traffic safety obligation is neglected and damage occurs as a result, the exhibitor shall compensate BVMW-GmbH for the damage. If a possible claimant turns against BVMW-GmbH, the exhibitor shall indemnify BVMW-GmbH against any claims by third parties insofar as the damage results from a non-compliance with a traffic safety obligation.

(5) In all other respects, the statutory provisions on compensation for damages shall apply, which shall remain completely unaffected by these Terms and Conditions.

(6) The exhibitor is only permitted to withdraw from the contract based on the statutory provisions and in accordance with paragraph 7 sentence 2 of the General Terms and Conditions. There is no separate right of withdrawal.

(7) If it is not possible to hold the event on the day of the event due to force majeure, BVMW-GmbH will try to find an alternative date for the event, taking into account what is reasonable in each case. If no alternative date can be found, both parties have the right to withdraw. Force majeure is any external event that has a massive impact on the contractual relationship, which is unforeseeable based on human insight and experience and which cannot be prevented, avoided or rendered harmless even by applying the care that can be expected under the circumstances.

(8) Insofar as BVMW-GmbH feels obliged to cancel the Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2025 for internal reasons, BVMW-GmbH reserves a comprehensive right of withdrawal. The exhibitor will receive back the fee paid in accordance with the provisions of Section 346 Paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB). There is no right to claim damages.


C. Final provisions

(1) The contract and all other legal relationships between the exhibitor and BVMW-GmbH are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

(2) If a clause is invalid, these General Terms and Conditions and the rest of the contract remain valid. Any matters not agreed upon individually will be replaced by the statutory provisions.

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